What To Look For When Searching for a Student House


Then you’ve decided to go to Southampton, England. Now you have to start a new hard work, looking for Studyhomes. What do you have to look for in a student house in Southampton? What do you have to take for this house? Spend less money to stay there. So many things to search for and solve. Here we will present to you some orientation that will be useful for you. Let’s get started. If you are a person from a big city, remember this is not a big city, and you have to think about it.


1.    First things first

When you are looking for a house or a room in the city of your university the first thing you have to think about is the location. You have to look for houses next to the University because you will be in a hurry almost all the time and if you are far away from it you can have a problem. Give priority to places that are next to the campus or public transport, city or town center. To you choose better make a list of the things that you like. Places in silence or noise places that you want o to be alone in a room or among people, places that you can exercise, places that you can bring some of your stuff and you will have space, places that you can go walking to the supermarket or drugstore and more.


2.    Second Round

Who? When you don’t have much money the solution is to live in a student house with some roommates. Them who will be with you. For your improvement it’s better you stay with single people. Because if you live with a couple sometimes this can be awkward. Then if you don’t have a problem with the sex you can look for people that you have some similarities, it doesn’t matter if they are women or men, since you have your own room. You are a Southampton student then you can arrange with your friends a good place where you can go together and they can help you choose the best place for you to have fun together.



3.    Quality

When you are looking for a house to live in, remember it is not your parent’s home, then take a camera, and a paper with a lot of questions you would like to make for the Landlord. A lot of houses have some problems with the structures and you have to stay alert for this: Cleaning, New stuff, security of the doors and windows, the time to fix when they have some problems. Looking for a place that you will be in a year or for all the time you are at the University is so important and a priority. Don’t forget to see if they make some refurbishments. In Southampton is common to big humidity, then you have to observe if the house is free from it. As a Southampton student, you know all about the weather and you can think about it when you are looking for a house.


4.    Security

When you are a single person looking for a house for the University you have to remember that your security is the most important. Besides the house security, you have to pay attention to where you have to walk after you leave the campus. Give priority to houses that are next to the campus and where you can see people all the time you are waking on.


5.    Improve your studying

Many student houses in Southampton can bring problems if you don’t have some accommodations to study. Think about a place that you have less noise influence, a place that you can have sunlight inside. During the day you can feel the sunlight inside the home and this can make you relax. Or on cold days you can drink some hot drink and relax seeing the weather outside. Maybe you don’t think this can help you but, yes, if you have a comfortable place to study you can get more good grades and learn more.


6.    Care about you

Look for places that you can ask or call for help. In Southampton, there are many Studyhomes that you can have help from the staff that can help you with a shower problem, a hot water problem, or even energy problems. When you have the support you can concentrate on

 your studies improvement.


7.    Interaction

If you are a person that likes to talk and have fun with other people you have to search for places that you can find a person anywhere. Students’ houses have a place to interact with a lot of people. Staying in such a place you can relax and improve your knowledge. Search for places that you can have some interactions with the residents before you start the school year. In Southampton, you can find good houses with spaces that come from the gym until the movie cine.


8.    Disign of the acomodation

Remember you are a student, in Southampton a lot of houses were transforming into students’ houses. But they weren’t built for students. Sometimes the house has only one bathroom for 5 students. Then choose the student home that you can have a good student life. A place to rest during the day, more than one bathroom, a kitchen with good size.



You are starting a new level of your life. Pay attention to where you are staying. Your parents will be the main part of this choice. Because they sometimes already did it. And they know the best place for you. You will be alone for a year, you will have to care for yourself. Make your own food. Ask you, mom, to teach some easy things to you make for your meal. How can you buy good food that will help you with your health. Before you close the deal, read all the conditions and see all the pictures again. Then you will be prepared to live at this level.