Why Sharing a Student House With Friends Is Better Than Being Alone in a Small Studio

There are two possibilities for student houses in Southampton or any university; you can decide live alone in a studio or share a flat with fellow students. Other students often gravitate towards living alone, recently there has been a significant interest in co-living with other students because of the several benefits and better experience that it provides. Sharing a student house with other students or friends is better than being alone in a small studio because of the following reasons;

You save money – Finance is one of the most important reasons why sharing a flat is better than renting a studio on your own.It is not only the rent; it is also the fact day to day utility bills and expenses incurred in the house are shared with others leaving you with a very little financial burden. You get to save more money which ultimately improves your standard of living.

Bigger house with better amenities– Studio apartments tend to be small with subpar facilities and you barely have enough space to stretch out in some of them. Renting a full apartment with friends however, ensures that you have access to spacious apartments with standard facilities. Flat sharing also opens up the possibility of finding your Southampton student accommodation in a better location and neighborhood that you wouldn’t be able to afford if you were renting a studio alone.

Opportunity to Network – Flat sharing presents an opportunity for organic networking and the formation of meaningful connections. Networking and friendships are important ingredients for success within the university. Even after school, connections formed in the university have been very instrumental to the career growth of many professionals.

Community/tribe – University life is better when you belong to a social group or a tribe as they are usually called. This is the set of people that have your back and that you do things together with. It can get pretty lonely going at the daily challenges alone but having your tribe right inside your flat will often be the necessary booster you need to face the challenges head-on. Your housemates are your direct support system. Studyhomes has various resources and suggestions on how to take full advantage of your apartment tribe and make things more fun.

New Experiences – Sharing student houses in Southampton is a good way to learn new things and have a multicultural experience without leaving the UK. You will be exposed to new cultures, make new discoveries about several things, and this will improve your outlook on the world. If you want to be a citizen of the world armed with a balanced knowledge of the different approaches to daily living, then you should consider flat sharing.

It improves your tolerance – there is no perfect human being, you and your housemates are not perfect so there will be instances when you will have to overlook things and focus on important issues. Living with others will teach you to pick your battles especially on the few days when everything is not going well. You will learn to appreciate the full humanity of others which includes both the good side and the not-so-good side. This will be easy for you to do because you have lived with these people and have definitely enjoyed many good times with them so whenever the ‘bad’ side shows up, it will not be hard for you to tolerate them knowing fully well that that is definitely not their finest moment. This is a vital lesson that will come in handy in your future interactions with others outside the four walls of the university.

You can share chores – Living alone can be quite overwhelming especially when it comes to chores and getting things done around the house. It almost looks like you are not allowed to have a bad day or take a day off from the responsibilities. However, when you share a flat with others, you get to do chores together and when you are not feeling up to it, someone is always available to pick up the slacks. Usually, having someone to do chores with makes a world of difference in motivating most people to get on with the chores in the first place.

Prepares you for the future–You can gain valuable life skills by living with different people in the Southampton student accommodation of your choice. Skills like the art of effective communication, negotiation, planning, organizing, and even leadership are all valuable skills that can be gained from living with others. These are all skills that are needed in life after the university.

Saving the Planet – People living together in a flat have lower energy consumption, lower water consumption, and are more likely to avoid wasting resources compared to people living alone. So, by sharing a flat you will be contributing to the achievement of one of the most pressing international goals right now which is to save the planet. With a little more intentionality, you can even achieve incredible carbon savings especially if you discuss it with your housemates and you plan towards it. Studyhomes can also provide ideas on how to live in a more sustainable manner when sharing a flat.

You don’t have to do everything by yourself–Making decisions can be pretty tough to do alone. Having people that you can bounce your ideas off is a great way to relieve stress and reduce the weight of expectations on yourself. Also, we are not always perfect and ready to face the world and on such gloomy days having housemates is a saving grace. Things around the house do not have to suffer because you are not quite on top of your game.


There are so many benefits to sharing an apartment with others although many people will always be quick to point out the lack of privacy in a shared flat arrangement. While it is true that someone living in a studio will have more privacy than you, you can still have some privacy especially if there are rules. Having great housemates who respect boundaries also makes it easier to have just the right amount of privacy.